Which of the following would you use to edit the Shape, colour, and Text of your visualisations?
When working with Excel, text file data, JSON file, .pdf file data, you can use _________________ to union files across folders, and worksheets across workbooks. Search is scoped to the selected connection.
You need to display the complete list of potential data connections when you connect to a server. What action should you perform?
Broadly speaking, when users connect to Tableau, the data fields in their data set are automatically assigned a ____________ and a ____________.
Using the CoffeeChain table, create a Dual Axis chart showing the Sales (Bar chart) and Profit (Line Chart) for each Product type. What was the Profit for the Herbal Tea product type in 2013?
By default, measures placed in a view are aggregated. The type of aggregation applied ______________
For a ____________ sort, no matter how the data changes, the values will always stay in the sort order we kept stuff in.