A bank extends a loan of $1m to a home buyer to buy a house currently worth $1.5m, with the house serving as the collateral. The volatility of returns (assumed normally distributed) on house prices in that neighborhood is assessed at 10% annually. The expected probability of default of the home buyer is 5%.
What is the probability that the bank will recover less than the principal advanced on this loan; assuming the probability of the home buyer's default is independent of the value of the house?
Which of the following objectives are targeted by rating agencies when assigning ratings:
I. Ratings accuracy
II. Ratings stability
III. High accuracy ratio (AR)
IV. Ranked ratings
In estimating credit exposure for a line of credit, it is usual to consider:
Which of the following is not one of the 'three pillars' specified in the Basel accord:
Which of the following statements is true in respect of a non financial manufacturing firm?
I. Market risk is not relevant to the manufacturing firm as it does not take proprietary positions
II. The firm faces market risks as an externality which it must bear and has no control over
III. Market risks can make a comparative assessment of profitability over time difficult
IV. Market risks for a manufacturing firm are not directionally biased and do not increase the overall risk of the firm as they net to zero over a long term time horizon
Which of the following is true in relation to the application of Extreme Value Theory when applied to operational risk measurement?
I. EVT focuses on extreme losses that are generally not covered by standard distribution assumptions
II. EVT considers the distribution of losses in the tails
III. The Peaks-over-thresholds (POT) and the generalized Pareto distributions are used to model extreme value distributions
IV. EVT is concerned with average losses beyond a given level of confidence
Which of the following formulae describes CVA (Credit Valuation Adjustment)? All acronyms have their usual meanings (LGD=Loss Given Default, ENE=Expected Negative Exposure, EE=Expected Exposure, PD=Probability of Default, EPE=Expected Positive Exposure, PFE=Potential Future Exposure)