The CDS rate on a defaultable bond is approximated by which of the following expressions:
A financial institution is considering shedding a business unit to reduce its economic capital requirements. Which of the following is an appropriate measure of theresulting reduction in capital requirements?
The VaR of a portfolio at the 99% confidence level is $250,000 when mean return is assumed to be zero. If the assumption of zero returns is changed to an assumption of returns of $10,000, what is the revised VaR?
Which of the following are true:
I. The total of the component VaRs for all components of a portfolio equals the portfolio VaR.
II. The total of the incremental VaRs for each position in a portfolio equals the portfolio VaR.
III. Marginal VaR and incremental VaR are identical for a $1 change in the portfolio.
IV. The VaR for individual components of a portfolio is sub-additive, ie the portfolio VaR is less than (or in extreme cases equal to) the sum of the individual VaRs.
V. The component VaR for individual components of a portfolio is sub-additive, ie the portfolio VaR is less than the sum of the individual component VaRs.
The probability of default of a security over a 1 year period is 3%. What is the probability that it would have defaulted within 6 months?