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AgilePM-Practitioner Exam Dumps - Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner Exam

Question # 4

Which 2 actions should the Project Manager take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?


Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.


Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction

functionality to the Delivery Plan.


Update the Delivery Plan to show the new financial transaction

functionality as a deliverable.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

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Question # 5

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Development

Approach Definition?


The Sales Manager will introduce an awards or bonus scheme, designed

to create competition between the sales assistants.


Once deployed, the number of policies sold through traditional telephone

sales will be compared with the number of sales processed online

through the website.


An easy to use web development tool called 'WebMatrix' is to be used to

develop and maintain the website extension.


The Finance Director has requested a detailed report be produced after

12 weeks, showing costs to date and forecast cost to complete.


Accessibility and performance of the new online quotation area is to be

tested using a tool called Sitebeam.

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Question # 6

The Marketing Director has insisted that detailed requirements for the new

coffee bar insurance web pages should be clearly defined in the early phases

of the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Refuse to discuss any detailed requirements in the early phases.


Agree to document the finite details of each requirement to ensure the

web developers can accurately estimate the effort required to fulfil them.


Hold an early discussion to the level of detail necessary to establish a

shared understanding of what is required.


Capture the Marketing Director's requirements in detail but leave the

input of others until later in the project.

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Question # 7

The Solution Development Team are progressing through the first Structured


What should the Project Manager do to lead the team at this time?


Maintain a tight control on progress, recording all discussions and making

all decisions.


The Project Manager should do nothing during a Timebox.


Attend the Daily Stand-up and discuss any problems at the end.


Update the Team Board with a summary of team progress and the current

status of work.

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Question # 8

Several of the web developers working on the project have no Agile

experience. When answering the questions in the Project Approach

Questionnaire (PAQ), the Project Manager could not agree with the statement

'all members of the project understand and accept the DSDM approach'.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Replace the web developers with experienced Agile practitioners.


Agree with the statement in the PAQ and keep a close watch on the web

developers throughout the project.


Organize a training workshop to brief all project-level and Solution

Development Team roles in the Agile approach.


Accept that the web developers are experts in their field and will be

adopting their own approach throughout the project.

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Question # 9

Answer the following questions about the contents of the DSDM


Each of the following questions includes true statements about the project

but only two statements are appropriate entries for the DSDM product


Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in

each question.

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Business Case?


A list of high-level functional and non-functional requirements that the

project should meet written as User Stories.


Coffee shops that sell Fairtrade products and alcohol from local breweries

out perform other coffee shops in the market.


The Sales Manager has been asked to produce a report within the next

two days showing the number of generic insurance policies sold to coffee

shops over the past three years.


The Sales Manager has calculated that the new coffee shop insurance

product will increase revenues by 10% each week.


Market research shows that the number of coffee shop patrons taking

legal action against retailers has increased by 200% over the past two


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Question # 10

How should the Project Manager assist the electricians to deliver the wiring?


Provide separate electricians' rooms so they can focus on their work.


Hold a weekly meeting for electricians so they can report on progress.


Encourage the Business Ambassador to be available to discuss location of electrical sockets.


Produce a detailed design of all electrical socket locations, to be approved by the Technical Co-ordinator.

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Question # 11

The Solution Development Team are progressing through the first Structured


What should the Project Manager do to lead the team at this time?


Maintain a tight control on progress, recording all discussions and making

all decisions.


The Project Manager should do nothing during a Timebox.


Attend the Daily Stand-up and discuss any problems at the end.


Update the Team Board with a summary of team progress and the current

status of work.

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Question # 12

Which 2 actions should the Team Leader take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.


Add the additional tasks required to create the financial transaction

functionality to the Timebox Plan.


Discuss the development interfaces and dependencies with the Solution

Development Team to ensure the associated Timebox is appropriate.


Agree to de-scope Should Have and/or Could Have requirements to allow

for the new Must Have functionality.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.

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Question # 13

Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.

Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

At the beginning of Solution Development Timebox A, the Timebox is being

planned in detail. Although Foundations was conducted at a high level, the

Prioritised Requirements List was baselined. Now the Solution Development

Team is setting detailed acceptance criteria against each requirement.

Is this an appropriate approach to setting detailed acceptance criteria?


Yes, because acceptance criteria can only be understood at a high level during Foundations and will always need further investigation.


Yes, because the Solution Development Team members will be setting acceptance criteria for the first time during Solution Development Timebox A.


No, because the Solution Development Team should NOT be involved in setting acceptance criteria.


No, because acceptance criteria should be set in detail against each requirement during Foundations.

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Question # 14

Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take when preparing for the workshop?


Ask the Software Developer to provide an estimate of how much storage space would be required to hold photos and videos.


Invite the Marketing Director to create a summary of the content they believe the system should hold and why.


Assign ownership of the workshop to the Software Developer.


Ask the IT Operations Manager to prepare the agenda for the workshop.


Research other hotel reservation systems to form an opinion on what the content should be.

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Question # 15

The project is now in the second week of Timebox C. This is the final Timebox of Project Increment 1 and is scheduled to take one month. The plan is to open

Hoy Hall to the public at the end of this Increment. A Must Have requirement of Timebox C is the implementation of a hotel reservation system.

At the Daily Stand-up, the Software Developer working on the reservation system reported that the framework for the system is now complete and ready for content.

However, this work cannot progress further due to a disagreement over the content. The Marketing Director insists the system is to hold professional photos and video

tours of the facilities and grounds. These require a lot of storage space and regular updates. The IT Operations Manager insists the system is to take less than 5GB of

storage space on the company server and require minimal maintenance.

The Team Leader has arranged a Facilitated Workshop to discuss the content and agree the way forward.

Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

Which 2 individuals should the Facilitator invite to participate in the Workshop?


Chief Executive (Steering Group)


Representative for Earth Excavations (Solution Developer)


Representative for Timber Tigers (Solution Developer)


IT Operations Manager (Solution Development Team)


Marketing Director (Business Visionary)

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Question # 16

Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions about applying

controls to the end of Development Timebox C.

What action should the Project Manager take when considering the End of Timebox Review?


Encourage the Marketing Director to attend the End of Timebox Review.


Attend the next Daily Stand-up to raise an issue about the windows.


Prepare a summary of progress against plan, for presentation at the review.


Ask the Team Leader to remove the windows from the Timebox Plan for Timebox C.

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Question # 17

Answer the following questions about the use of the Agile principles.

Final checks carried out on the rooms delivered in Timebox A show that two of the items do NOT meet the required Must Have standards related to the use of traditional

wall coverings and paints. These items have therefore been recognised as NOT delivered and will have to be re-planned.

Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?




Never compromise quality.


Build incrementally from firm foundations.


Communicate continuously and clearly.

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Question # 18

What action should the Project Manager take regarding the remaining windows?


All requirements that have not been met are automatically carried over to the next increment.


Extend the time allocated to Timebox C, to allow time to complete these.


Insist that all available resources within the Solution Development Team are redirected to this work over the remaining two days.


Decompose the individual elements of work to be completed on the windows and reprioritise them to meet the Minimum Usable Subset.

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Question # 19

Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question about the activities in the Agile project lifecycle.

Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.


1. The rooms and facilities must be deployed into live use at the end of each Timebox.



Evolutionary Development and Deployment must be combined in a Timebox where the integration of several teams is required.

2. The tasks associated with each Solution Development Timebox should be included

in the Delivery Plan.



A typical Delivery Plan will provide a schedule of Timeboxes and any other high level activities for the imminent Project Increment.

3. The development approach should have been agreed during Foundations.



The Development Approach Definition must be created before Evolutionary

Development can commence.

4. The resources from Timber Tigers and Earth Excavations should have been engaged

before the start of Evolutionary Development.



Commitment to delivery is based on pre-agreed resource levels at the project level.

5. A final Deployment phase should be held after Timebox C has completed.



The Deployed Solution is assessed post-project to confirm whether the expected benefits have been


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Question # 20

Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for

this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions

about Feasibility.

Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each


Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project Management when producing an Outline Business Case to support the Feasibility Assessment?


The Feasibility Assessment should contain a detailed description of costs and benefits associated with the refurbishment.


Enough description of the required refurbishment work should be provided to enable the Architecture Angels' Finance Director to decide whether the project should proceed.


During Feasibility, potential beneficiaries of the project should be involved when the Outline Business Case for the refurbishment is created.


The Outline Business Case should demonstrate the mitigation of all business risks associated with the refurbishment.


The Outline Business Case should describe the full team structures to be engaged for the later phases of the project.

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Question # 21

Answer the following question about how risks will be reduced on the Hoy Hall Hotel project through successful application of the DSDM Principles.

Column 1 lists a selection of project risks identified on the Hoy Hall Hotel project. Column 2 is a list of the DSDM Principles. For each risk in Column 1, select from Column

2 the DSDM Principle which, if applied appropriately, would MOST help to reduce or mitigate that risk.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

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Question # 22

During Timebox A, the Local Planning Authority Officer was sometimes asked to attend the Daily Stand-up meeting as a temporary Specialist team member, to represent

any Planning Authority issues.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?


Yes, because all stakeholders should attend the Daily Stand-up meetings.


Yes, because each team member will have an opportunity to highlight any Planning Authority issues that may otherwise hinder their progress.


No, because NOT all members of the Solution Development Team will attend the Daily Stand-up.


No, because only members of the Solution Development Team should be permitted to attend Daily Stand-up meetings.

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Question # 23

Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.

Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

During Solution Development Timebox A, a new Health and Safety requirement arises: the front door is required to have wheelchair access. This is a legal requirement and is a Must Have before any staff or general public access can be allowed. The Solution Development Team will work with the Local Planning Authority Officer, the specialist who identified the requirement, to identify further acceptance criteria for Solution Development Timebox A.

Is this an appropriate action related to acceptance criteria?


Yes, because the new requirement needs to be understood, built and delivered in this Timebox.


Yes, because the Local Planning Authority Officer owns the justification for the new requirement.


No, because this new requirement would NOT be included in the original Prioritised Requirements List and therefore does NOT need acceptance criteria to be defined.


No, because the Business Visionary is responsible for defining acceptance criteria.

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