Explanation: After you created a database table in the RESTful Application Programming model (RAP), the next step is to create a projection view on the database table. A projection view is a CDS artefact that defines a view on one or more data sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A projection view can select, rename, or aggregate the fields of the data sources, but it cannot change the properties of the fields, such as whether they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are inherited from the data sources or the behaviour definitions of the business objects12. For example:
- The following code snippet defines a projection view ZI_AGENCY on the database table /DMO/AGENCY:
define view ZI_AGENCY as select from /dmo/agency { key agency_id, agency_name, street, city, region, postal_code, country, phone_number, url }
The projection view is used to expose the data of the database table to the service definition, which is the next step in the RAP. The service definition is a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the binding of a service. A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or more business objects as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties of the fields of a service, such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable12. For example:
- The following code snippet defines a service definition ZI_AGENCY_SRV that exposes the projection view ZI_AGENCY as an OData service:
define service ZI_AGENCY_SRV { expose ZI_AGENCY as Agency; }
You cannot do any of the following:
- A. A metadata extension: A metadata extension is a CDS artefact that defines additional annotations for a CDS entity, such as a business object, a service, or a projection view. A metadata extension can specify the properties of the fields of a CDS entity for UI or analytical purposes, such as whether they are visible, editable, or hidden. However, a metadata extension is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not required to expose the data of the database table to the service definition. A metadata extension can be created later to customize the UI or analytical application that uses the service12.
- C. A data model view: A data model view is a CDS artefact that defines a view on one or more data sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A data model view can select, rename, or aggregate the fields of the data sources, and it can also change the properties of the fields, such as whether they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are defined by the annotations or the behaviour definitions of the data model view. A data model view is used to define the data model of a business object, which is a CDS entity that represents a business entity or concept, such as a customer, an order, or a product. However, a data model view is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not required to expose the data of the database table to the service definition. A data model view can be created later to define a business object that uses the database table as a data source12.
- D. A service definition: A service definition is a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the binding of a service. A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or more business objects as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties of the fields of a service, such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable. However, a service definition is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it requires a projection view or a data model view to expose the data of the database table. A service definition can be created after creating a projection view or a data model view on the database table12.
References: 1: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: ABAP CDS - Service Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help