In ABAP SQL, an alias is a temporary name that can be assigned to a field or a database table in a query. An alias can be used to make the query more readable, to avoid name conflicts, or to access fields or tables with long names. An alias is created with the AS keyword and is only valid for the duration of the query1.
The following are examples of how to assign an alias to a field or a database table in ABAP SQL:
B. field (from field list): A field is a column of a table or a view that contains data of a certain type. A field can be assigned an alias in the field list of a SELECT statement, which specifies the fields that are selected from the data source. For example, the following query assigns the alias name to the field carrname of the table scarr:
SELECT carrid, carrname AS name FROM scarr.
The alias name can be used instead of carrname in other clauses of the query, such as WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on2.
C. database table: A database table is a collection of data that is organized in rows and columns. A database table can be assigned an alias in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, which specifies the data source that is selected from. For example, the following query assigns the alias c to the table scarr:
SELECT c.carrid, c.carrname FROM scarr AS c.
The alias c can be used instead of scarr in other clauses of the query, such as WHERE, JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on3.
The following are not valid for assigning an alias in ABAP SQL:
A. order criterion (from order by clause): An order criterion is a field or an expression that is used to sort the result set of a query in ascending or descending order. An order criterion cannot be assigned an alias in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement, because the alias is not visible in this clause. The alias can only be used in the clauses that follow the clause where it is defined1.
D. group criterion (from group by clause): A group criterion is a field or an expression that is used to group the result set of a query into subsets that share the same values. A group criterion cannot be assigned an alias in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement, because the alias is not visible in this clause. The alias can only be used in the clauses that follow the clause where it is defined1.
References: 1: ALIASES - ABAP Keyword Documentation 2: SELECT List - ABAP Keyword Documentation 3: FROM Clause - ABAP Keyword Documentation