In foundation level syllabus you will find the main basic principles of testing, Which of the following sentences describes one of these basic principles?
Once a bug is fixed, it should be retested. What is the term used to define this type of testing?
A money order system is designed to calculate the charge for a transfer
- Amounts from 1 to 1999 are charged EUR 10.
- Amounts from 2000 to 5000 are charged EUR 15
- Amounts below EUR 1 or above EUR 5000 are not accepted. Assume that only integer values can occur. Which of these sets of amounts covers all equivalence classes?
The following program part is given:
IF (condition A)
then DO B
How many test cases are necessary in order to achieve 100% statement coverage?
When testing a mission critical system a high coverage should be achieved. Which of the following techniques should be implemented as a structural based coverage technique in order to achieve highest coverage?