A new application container was built with an incorrect version number. Which of the following commands should be used to rename the image to match the correct version 2.1.2?
A Linux administrator is creating a new sudo profile for the accounting user. Which of the following should be added by the administrator to the sudo
configuration file so that the accounting user can run / opt/ acc/ report as root?
A Linux user is trying to execute commands with sudo but is receiving the following error:
$ sudo visudo
>>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 28 <<<
sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 28
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
The following output is provided:
# grep root /etc/shadow
root :* LOCK *: 14600 ::::::
Which of the following actions will resolve this issue?
A systems administrator is implementing a new service task with systems at startup and needs to execute a script entitled test.sh with the following content:
The administrator tries to run the script after making it executable with chmod +x; however, the script will not run. Which of the following should the administrator do to address this issue? (Choose two.)
A junior developer is unable to access an application server and receives the following output:
The systems administrator investigates the issue and receives the following output:
Which of the following commands will help unlock the account?
Users in the human resources department are trying to access files in a newly created directory. Which of the following commands will allow the users access to the files?
A systems administrator is configuring a Linux system so the network traffic from the internal network going out through the eth0 interface would appear as if it was sent directly from this interface. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
An administrator attempts to rename a file on a server but receives the following error.
The administrator then runs a few commands and obtains the following output:
Which of the following commands should the administrator run NEXT to allow the file to be renamed by any user?