Which three of the following work documents are not required for audit planning by an auditor conducting a certification audit?
Select a word from the following options that best completes the sentence:
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You are conducting a third-party surveillance audit when another member of the audit team approaches you seeking clarification. They have been asked to assess the organisation's application of control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence. They are aware that this is one of the new controls introduced in the 2022 edition of ISO/IEC 27001, and they want to make sure they audit the control correctly.
They have prepared a checklist to assist them with their audit and want you to confirm that their planned activities are aligned with the control's requirements.
Which three of the following options represent valid audit trails?
You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security incident management process. The IT Security Manager presents the information
security incident management procedure (Document reference ID: ISMS_L2_16, version 4) and explains that the process is
based on ISO/IEC 27035-1:2016.
You review the document and notice a statement "any information security weakness, event, and incident should be reported
to the Point of Contact (PoC) within 1 hour after identification". When interviewing staff, you found that there were differences
in the understanding of the meaning of "weakness, event, and incident".
The IT Security Manager explained that an online "information security handling" training seminar was conducted 6 months
ago. All of the interviewed persons participated in and passed the reporting exercise and course assessment.
You are preparing the audit findings. Select two options that are correct.
During a third-party certification audit you are presented with a list of issues by an auditee. Which four of the following constitute 'external' issues in the context of a management system to ISO/IEC 27001:2022?
The data center at which you work is currently seeking ISO/IEC27001:2022 certification. In preparation for your initial certification visit a number of internal audits have been carried out by a colleague working at another data centre within your Group. They secured their ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certificate earlier in the year.
You have just qualified as an Internal ISMS auditor and your manager has asked you to review the audit process and audit findings as a final check before the external Certrfication Body arrives.
Which six of the following would cause you concern in respect of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements?
You are an audit team leader who has just completed a third-party audit of a mobile telecommunication provider. You are preparing your audit report and are just about to complete a section headed 'confidentiality'.
An auditor in training on your team asks you if there are any circumstances under which the confidential report can be released to third parties.
Which four of the following responses are false?