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ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor Exam Dumps - PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 2022 Lead Auditor exam

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Question # 65

Which two of the following are valid audit conclusions?


ISMS induction training does not provide guidance on malware prevention


The risk register had not been updated since June 202X


Corrective action was outstanding for two internal audits


The ISMS policy has been effectively communicated to the organisation


The organisation's ISMS objectives meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022


The schedule of applicability was based on the 2013 edition of ISO/IEC 27001, not the 2022 edition

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Question # 66

Which three of the following work documents are not required for audit planning by an auditor conducting a certification audit?


An audit plan


A sample plan


An organisation's financial statement


A checklist


A career history of the IT manager


A list of external providers

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Question # 67

Select a word from the following options that best completes the sentence:

To complete the sentence with the word(s) click on the blank section you want to complete so that it is highlighted in red, and then click on the application text from the options below. Alternatively, you may drag and drop the option to the appropriate blank section.

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Question # 68

You are conducting a third-party surveillance audit when another member of the audit team approaches you seeking clarification. They have been asked to assess the organisation's application of control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence. They are aware that this is one of the new controls introduced in the 2022 edition of ISO/IEC 27001, and they want to make sure they audit the control correctly.

They have prepared a checklist to assist them with their audit and want you to confirm that their planned activities are aligned with the control's requirements.

Which three of the following options represent valid audit trails?


I will ensure that the task of producing threat intelligence is assigned to the organisation's internal audit team


I will ensure that the organisation's risk assessment process begins with effective threat intelligence


I will speak to top management to make sure all staff are aware of the importance of reporting threats


I will ensure that appropriate measures have been introduced to inform top management as to the effectiveness of current threat intelligence arrangements


I will check that the organisation has a fully documented threat intelligence process


I will check that threat intelligence is actively used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the organisation's information assets


I will review how information relating to information security threats is collected and evaluated to produce threat intelligence

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Question # 69

You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security incident management process. The IT Security Manager presents the information

security incident management procedure (Document reference ID: ISMS_L2_16, version 4) and explains that the process is

based on ISO/IEC 27035-1:2016.

You review the document and notice a statement "any information security weakness, event, and incident should be reported

to the Point of Contact (PoC) within 1 hour after identification". When interviewing staff, you found that there were differences

in the understanding of the meaning of "weakness, event, and incident".

The IT Security Manager explained that an online "information security handling" training seminar was conducted 6 months

ago. All of the interviewed persons participated in and passed the reporting exercise and course assessment.

You are preparing the audit findings. Select two options that are correct.


There is a nonconformity (NC). The information security incident training has failed. This is not conforming with clause 7.2 and control A.6.3.


There is a nonconformity (NC). The terminology of the the incident management reporting process is unclear as evidenced by staff misunderstanding of the meaning of "weakness, event and incident". This is not conforming with clause 9.1 and control A.5.24.


There is an opportunity for improvement (OFI). The information security incident training effectiveness can be improved. This is relevant to clause 7.2 and control A.6.3.


There is an opportunity for improvement (OFI). The information security weaknesses, events, and incidents are reported. This is relevant to clause 9.1 and control A.5.24.


There is no nonconformance. The information security handling training has been effective. This conforms with clause 7.2 and control A.6.3.


There is no nonconformance. The information security weaknesses, events, and incidents are reported. This conforms with clause 9.1 and control A.5.24.

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Question # 70

During a third-party certification audit you are presented with a list of issues by an auditee. Which four of the following constitute 'external' issues in the context of a management system to ISO/IEC 27001:2022?


A rise in interest rates in response to high inflation


A reduction in grants as a result of a change in government policy


Poor levels of staff competence as a result of cuts in training expenditure


Increased absenteeism as a result of poor management


Higher labour costs as a result of an aging population


Inability to source raw materials due to government sanctions


Poor morale as a result of staff holidays being reduced

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Question # 71

The data center at which you work is currently seeking ISO/IEC27001:2022 certification. In preparation for your initial certification visit a number of internal audits have been carried out by a colleague working at another data centre within your Group. They secured their ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certificate earlier in the year.

You have just qualified as an Internal ISMS auditor and your manager has asked you to review the audit process and audit findings as a final check before the external Certrfication Body arrives.

Which six of the following would cause you concern in respect of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements?


The audit programme shows management reviews taking place at irregular intervals during the year


Audit reports are not held in hardcopy (i.e. on paper). They are only stored as ".POF documents on the organisation's intranet


The audit programme does not take into account the relative importance of information security processes


The audit programme mandates auditors must be independent of the areas they audit in order to satisfy the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022


Although the scope for each internal audit has been defined, there are no audit criteria defined for the audits carried out to date


Audit reports to date have used key performance indicator information to focus solely on the efficiency of ISMS processes


The audit programme does not reference audit methods or audit responsibilities

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Question # 72

You are an audit team leader who has just completed a third-party audit of a mobile telecommunication provider. You are preparing your audit report and are just about to complete a section headed 'confidentiality'.

An auditor in training on your team asks you if there are any circumstances under which the confidential report can be released to third parties.

Which four of the following responses are false?


Although we advise the client the report is confidential we can decide to release it to third parties if we feel this is justified. We would always tell the client afterwards


The report can be released to third parties but only with the explicit, prior approval of the audit client


There are no circumstances under which the report can be released to a third party. Confidential means confidential and releasing the document would be a breach of trust


The starting position is always that third parties have no automatic right to access an audit report


If the third party has gained a legal notice for us to disclose the report then we must do so. In all such cases we would advise the audit client and, as appropriate, the auditee


Any auditor employed by the auditing organisation can access the audit report


Our duty of confidentiality is not something that lasts forever. As a certification body, we can decide how long we wish to keep reports confidential. After this, they can be accessed by third parties making a subject access request

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