A business analyst (BA) is planning how to present a set of requirements for a project with financial constraints. Which requirements attribute should the BA assign to allow cost implications to be assessed?
A new regulation results in organizations needing to change online contractual wording. A business analyst (BA) has elicited the requirements and documented them in a change control request. Where will the BA find out which stakeholder has the authority to approve, deny, or defer the change request?
A lead business analyst (BA) has received negative feedback on the deliverables produced by BAs in the organization. A major concern was ambiguous requirements. What technique will help ensure business analysis information is clear and understandable?
In a project meeting, stakeholders presented conflicting views on how the business analysis process should be conducted, leading to the sponsor becoming very upset. If a similar situation arises in the future, what can the business analyst (BA) do to avoid the situation?
A business analyst (BA) plans to organize a focus group to bring all the interested parties together and discuss the issues and possible risks for the new initiative. Due to the geographical differences of each participant, a videoconferencing service will be used to satisfy stakeholder preferences. Which approach is the BA defining?
A business analyst (BA) is in the process of eliciting requirements. It has been determined that not all requirements can be implemented by the project deadline due to complexity. What must the BA do to ensure maximum benefit for the stakeholders?
A business analyst (BA) needs to obtain agreement on and approval of requirements for a software solution. In order for this task to proceed, what does the BA need to understand?
A survey on a new system was conducted after the chief executive officer (CEO), who is also the project sponsor, expressed concerns about the uptake of the new system. The CEO is neither sure that the concerns are valid nor whether the survey was conclusive about the success of the project. The business analyst (BA) has been tasked to address the concerns expressed by the CEO and evaluate the results of the survey. What must the BA do to determine that the system is performing as intended and address the concerns of the CEO?